Tai Chi Qigong
​- Gentle Way -
- Moving Stillness -
- Empowerment -
Gentle Way to Health & Wellbeing
Improve Balance & Co-ordination
Postural Awareness & Alignment
Improve Cognitive Functioning
Self Defence as Empowerment
Mindfulness Tai Chi & Qigong
Calming and Relaxation
Stillness in Motion

The Grand Ultimate
Gentle Way of Self Defence
- Tai Chi Chuan-Do -
Energy efficient INTERNAL
Chinese Martial Arts style
utilising “push-pull”
yielding principles and movements
based on circular flowing movement
and even tempo,
making for harmony and balance.
In the immortal words of Lao Tzu:
"Nothing under heaven is softer
or more yielding than water;
but when it attacks things
that are hard and resistant,
there is not one of them
that can prevail.
That the yielding
conquers the resistant and
the soft conquers the hard
is a fact known by all men,
yet utilized by none."

Tai Chi for Health and Tai Chi for Martial Arts
For differences between
Tai Chi for Health
Tai Chi for Martial Arts -
please refer to published article
- The “Text and Context” of
How to Teach Tai Chi Effectively -
by Elva Arthy and Denis Arthy
first presented at
First International
Tai Chi for Health Conference
in Korea 2006 and now
available at ACADEMIA.COM